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The Lens Between Us

by Kirsten Haugen
September/October 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-lens-between-us/5025540/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


With the rise of smartphones, the majority of humans* now possess an omni-present, near-endless, and virtually free capacity to snap photos. At the same time, the majority of today’s children and teens have only experienced photo-taking as ubiquitous and instantaneous. More than ever, our ability and drive to ‘capture the moment’ mediates our relationships with one another, especially with children. Let’s wield this power with intention and reflection. 

‘Capturing’ the Moment

Who among us would forego the joy and value of documenting moments that mark our journeys through life, whether they are large and formal or a serendipitous moment in time? Who would discount the impact of would-be victims and bystanders who can document troubling situations and bring them to light, casting off doubts of their veracity? Once we ‘take’ or ‘capture’ a photo, it is worth asking who owns that imageand the moment and memories it contains? Both casually and legally, ownership typically goes to the photographer, who intentionally or not chooses what stays in the frame and what gets cropped out.** 

From Snapping to Composing 

Serious and professional photographers offer a model for making a qualitative shift from reflexively ...

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